song lyrics / Tori Amos / Spring Haze lyrics  | FRen Français

Spring Haze lyrics

Performer Tori Amos

Spring Haze song lyrics by Tori Amos official

Spring Haze is a song in English

Well I know it's just a spring haze
But I don't much like the look of it
And if omens are a god send
Like men breezing in
Certain these clouds go somewhere
Billowing outto somewhere
A single engine Cessna
You say we'll never make it there
All we do is circle it
Uh oh. Let go. Off on my way
Unsee this eternal wanting.
Let go
Way to go
So I get creamed
Waiting on Sunday to drown
Waiting on Sunday to drown
And I know it's just a spring haze
But I don't much like the look of it
But all we do is circle it
And I found out where my edge is
Ad it bleeds into where you resist
And my only way out
Is to go so far in
Billowing out to somewhere
Billowing out luna riviera
Waiting on Sunday to land
Waitng on Sunday to drown
Why, does, it, always end up like this
Waiting on Sunday
So I get creamed
Waiting for Sunday to drown
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
No unauthorized reproduction of lyric.
Copyright: Downtown Music Publishing

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