song lyrics / ZZ Top / Bad Girl lyrics  | FRen Français

Bad Girl lyrics

Performer ZZ Top

Bad Girl song lyrics by ZZ Top official

Bad Girl is a song in English

See that girl with the red dress on,
She can do it all night long,
She's a bad girl, she's a bad girl.
I know a girl that likes to flirt,
She can do it in a mini skirt.
She's a bad girl, she's a bad girl.
Ain't it a shame when a girl goes bad,
It's enough to drive you mad.

Yesterday I was playin' it cool
But she played me for a first class fool,
She's a bad girl, she's a bad girl.
I'm gonna tell you like I told some friends
I'm goin' back to dig her again.
She's a bad girl, she's a bad girl.
Ain't it a shame when a girl goes bad,
It's enough to drive you mad.

I know a girl with a GTO,
She's the one that go cat go,
She's a bad girl, she's a bad girl.
See the girl dressed in green,
She's the one that's a mean machine,
She's a bad girl, she's a bad girl.
Ain't it a shame when a girl goes bad,
It's enough to drive you mad.
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Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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