paroles de chanson / 4 Non Blondes parole / Drifting lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Drifting

Interprète 4 Non Blondes

Paroles de la chanson Drifting par 4 Non Blondes lyrics officiel

Drifting est une chanson en Anglais

What a wonderful hesitation
Who would bear to feel sorry for me
Dropped another pill just to calm me
Collapsed to my knees and fell fast into sleep

There I was drifting
Way out into the sunshine
Expecting to crash but I'm tied to a string

Look at me I'm a tangled puppet
I might be a mess but I'm sure can survive
Find myself awake counting sad days

One, two, three that's too many for me
Dropped another pill just to find me
Reached for my hand but it was already there

Then I started believin'
That I fell out of a tiny raindrop

That lost its way when I decided to roam
Chasing me was a hungry dweller
But I had escaped it by pretending to die

Come follow me you won't expect the illusion
You'll see it's my imagination
Hand me your eyes

I will put them in front of mine
You'll see a little better
You'll see a little better

What a wonderful destination
Where I am now
I can no longer see

Dropped another pill just to kill me
Collapsed to my knees and fell fast into sleep

There I was drifting
Way out into the sunshine
Expecting to crash but I'm tied to a string

Look at me I'm a tangled puppet
I might be a mess but I'm sure can survive
But I had escaped it by pretending to die
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

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