paroles de chanson / Agathodaimon parole / After Dark lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de After Dark

Interprète Agathodaimon

Paroles de la chanson After Dark par Agathodaimon lyrics officiel

After Dark est une chanson en langue indéterminée

Alone with my shadows I've come
To sing the twilight's hymn every time
A new day dawns onto a place most desirable
Grateful disembodiment pierce some holes into our horizon of perception
Which new imaginations could penetrate thru...
Our dreams will shine like thunder
On a senseless rainy day
Wrapped in the dank breathing
Of both nature and man
The stars look all too near
The senses lie so far
But it's not the way we fear
It's more the thing we are
The stars look all too near
The seasons, oh, so dark
It's not the way we fear
It's more the way we are
Didn't pain prove life
With its reasons all hallowed
Didn't fight prove darkness
With its shadows eclipsed?
..und die Maschine der Welt kehrt zurück...
Auspressend den Lebenssaft aus meinen Knochen
Bin erneut Vergangenheit, ohne Herz, trist und kalt
Die tote Zeit legt ihren kalten Körper auf meine feuchte Haut
..und wird zur Ewigkeit...
Didn't pain prove life
With its reasons all hallowed
Didn't light prove darkness
With its shadows eclipsed
Alone with my shadow I'm gone
Still I hear the twilight's hymn everytime
Life continues its sculptures
Like poetry without rhyme!
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