paroles de chanson / Alain Bashung parole / Strip Now lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Strip Now

Interprète Alain Bashung

Paroles de la chanson Strip Now par Alain Bashung lyrics officiel

Strip Now est une chanson en Anglais

No time left for wheeling and dealing, kid
Save this day for night

If you wanna strip, you strip now
While there's no one watching, watching you

She still says
Brother, can you spare a spliff?
Got the picture
Soon you'll be out and soon you'll be stiff

But if you wanna strip, then strip now
While there's no one watching, watching you

You, you, you

Wheels within wheels
Who will give a damn?
She had nothing to score again
Or doors to ram

But if you wanna strip, just strip now
While there's no one watching, watching you

You, you, you

China is all English
What is your pick? Tell me what makes you move
What makes you tick?
If you wanna give, you give now
Oh, there's no one watching, watching you

Party girls leave fingerprints
Want to watch
Top of the top
Given another chocolate chip
Come in fourteen flavors
Come, there's no one watching, watching, watching you

Lonely, lonely, tonight we flirt
There must be a way to shower all the dirt
If you wanna strip, then strip now
While there's no one watching, watching, watching you
You, you, you

Lonely, lonely, hold my hands
You got styles, don't wear no lipstick and

And if you wanna strip, then strip now
'Cause there's no one watching, watching you
If you wanna strip, only lonely
You wanna strip, only lonely
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteurs: Alain Bashung, Alan Bergman
Copyright: Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

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