paroles de chanson / Anthony Narvaez parole / The Neural Virus Of Babylon lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de The Neural Virus Of Babylon

Interprète Anthony Narvaez

Paroles de la chanson The Neural Virus Of Babylon par Anthony Narvaez lyrics

The Neural Virus Of Babylon est une chanson en Anglais

all that tyrants need to gather strength
is for people of good conscious to hold their voice

so I refuse to stand down
I am not just a voice among the crowd

I stand on solid ground
no other man must hold me up
I refuse to let you hold me down
you can’t hold me down

I will never need the public voice
to help me decide who I’m supposed to be

resist those who want to control you
resist selling out to empty promises
don’t be just a voice among the crowd
Crédits parole :
paroles ajoutées par lucasfrere1

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