paroles de chanson / Atreyu parole / Falling Down lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Falling Down

Interprète Atreyu

Paroles de la chanson Falling Down par Atreyu lyrics officiel

Falling Down est une chanson en Anglais

You're always looking back, runnin' from the past
You're always sweating me about the next big heart attack
You're lookin' over your shoulder starin' down the path (I'm falling down)
falling down, falling down

It's in your head, all the voices mistaken
Shake it off, shake it off
We're all dying in the end

It's in your head all the voices mistaken
Shake it off, shake it off
We're all dying in the end

I fear I'll find the evident so horrible (so horrible)
To clear my thoughts I drill a hole into my skull
Clean up my brains and sweep them underneath the rug
I need them more than I needed any other drug
I'm falling down
falling down, falling down

It's in your head all the voices mistaken
Shake it off, shake it off
We're all dying in the end (in the end)

It's in your head all the voices mistaken
Shake it off, shake it off
We're all dying in the end (dying in the end)
Dying in the end

Hey, hey, hey, hey
Come on

I'm falling down
Falling down, falling down

It's in your head all the voices mistaken
Shake it off, shake it off
We're all dying in the end (dying in the end)

It's in your head all the voices mistaken
Shake it off, shake it off
We're all dying in the end (dying in the end)
Dying in the end

Hey, hey, sing it
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteurs: Brandon Saller, Daniel Dan Jacobs, Ektor Alex Varkatzas, Porter Marc Mcknight, Travis William Miguel
Copyright: Walt Disney Music Company

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