paroles de chanson / Avantii Uzor feat. Dare David parole / Ebube Dike lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Ebube Dike

Interprètes Avantii UzorDare David

Paroles de la chanson Ebube Dike par Avantii Uzor feat. Dare David lyrics officiel

Ebube Dike est une chanson en Anglais

We give You Glory
Hallelujah to Your Holy Name
Great and Mighty God
We just wanna praise You
We wanna Hail You
We wanna Adore You
Ehh ehh ehh ehh ehhyy

You paid the price for me
Laid down Your Life on Calvary
You no dey tire
For my matter
You always by my side
You no dey fail me
Na You dey help me
Baba I throwey salute eh
My Rock my Shelter
Constant Provider
I will lift You Higher

Hail my Jesus Ebube
Ebube Ebube Dike
Hail my Jesus Ebube
Ebube Ebube Dike

Common give Him Glory Ebube
Ebube Ebube Dike
Chioma meh ehh ehh ehh Ebube Dike Papa mo oo Ebube
Ebube Ebube e-yeahh yeah yeah Dike

Ehh oh oh ohoh
You are the First You are the First
And the Last And the Last
Ancient of Days is Your Name
You are Strong Tower
You are Comforter
Nothing too hard for You-u-u no no no no
I give You Twuale Twuale
Your Name is Yahweh Yahweh
Kai You're always making a way ehh
You are so Powerful so Powerful
You are so Wonderful Wonderful
I bow before Your Throne ehh

Hail my Jesus Ebube ehhyy
Ebube Ebube common common Ebube Dike Ebube Dike
Ebube Dike Ebube Dike Great and Mighty God Ebube ehh ehh
Ebube ehh ehhy Ebube Dike
He's a Mighty Warrior Hail my Jesus Ebube
Ebube Rose of Sharon Ebube Dike Ebube Dike
King of Glory I AM That I AM Jehovah ehhh Ebube
Ebube Ebube oh oh oh oh oh Dike ehh ehh ehh ehh

Oh Lord we Hail You-u-u say we Hail You
We Hail we Hail You
We Hail we Hail You look
We Hail we Hail You
We Hail You we Hail You
We Hail You we Hail You
We Hail You we Hail

We Hail You Jesus we say we praise You
We give You Glory we praise You
We lift You High we praise You
High and High and Higher we praise You
Oh Lord we came to praise You we praise You
Oh Lord we praise You
Oh Lord we praise

We-e-e-e lo-o-o-ve You
We love You Lord we love You
We love You we love You
We love You we love You Lord we love You
We love You we love You Lord we love You
We love You Lord we love You
We love You Lord we love You
We love You we praise

Common Hail my Jesus Hail Him now Ebube
Ebube Ebube Ebube He's the King of Glory Dike
Baba we Hail You Jesus Ebube
Ebube Ebube Ebube Dike Ebube Dike

You swallow up death in Victory Ebube
Ebube Ebube that's who You are Ebube Dike Great and Mighty God
I say Hail my Jesus Jesus Won Mighty Warrior Ebube
Ebube Ebube Dike
Ehhy You are my Guide my Provider my Helper yeah ehh we Hail
We Hail You we Hail You
We Hail we Hail You
We Raise You we Hail You
We lift You High we Hail You
We lift You High praise You High we Hail You
We exalt You we praise
We exalt You Lord ehh
We exalt You Lord ehh ehh ehh
Ehh ehh ehh ehh ehh ehh
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