paroles de chanson / Bee Gees parole / Angel of Mercy lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Angel of Mercy

Interprètes Bee GeesSamantha Gibb

Paroles de la chanson Angel of Mercy par Bee Gees lyrics officiel

Angel of Mercy est une chanson en Anglais

Today I saw the sun
To rise to fall but can you forgive me
I sail upon this mortal storm
And hearts that cry and love is to leave me

We're miles apart i know my aim is true
It keeps this flame from dying
I just stay alive

Angel of mercy i know that I'll find you
So it's to my God in heaven that I pray
We can fly away

The voice is on the wind
I steal the stars, the course I must follow
No space or time, no sleep the soul
It lies awake, it craves to be near you

It drives me on i know my aim is true
It keeps my flame from dying
We might live again

Angel of mercy i know that I'll find you
So it's to my God in heaven that I pray
We can fly away

Sailing on a sea of gold
Where silver wings of angels go
I can see a million miles
That love goes on forever

Write a letter in the sand
That only lovers understand
And when the words are said and done
That we must come together

Sailing on a sea of gold
Where silver wings of angels go
I can see a million miles
That love goes on forever
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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