paroles de chanson / Betraying the Martyrs parole / The Great Disillusion lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de The Great Disillusion

Interprète Betraying the Martyrs

Paroles de la chanson The Great Disillusion par Betraying the Martyrs lyrics officiel

The Great Disillusion est une chanson en Anglais

How could I have been so fucking blind?

Look out, look out, look by your side, sometimes the devil wears a pretty disguise
So reach out, cry out, open my eyes, show me my future before
I kiss it goodbye

And you told me we could fly (so I hold on)
And once again, once again I leave it all behind
You told me we could swim (so I climbed so high)
Up to a mountain for you, closed my eyes, and I took the dive

How can I make up for all this lost time?

The scent of home sweet home now bears the bitterest smell
And the land I was meant to love feels like a short stay in hell
Feels like a short stay in hell It's time to let go

You told me we could fly (so I hold on)
And once again, once again I leave it all behind
You told me we could swim (so I climbed so high)
Up to a mountain for you, I closed my eyes, and I took the dive

How can I make up for all this fucking lost time?
That I'll never ever get back 25 to life
I thank you for, thanks for wasting my time, time I'll never ever, ever ever get back

How could I have been so fucking blind?

You told me we could fly (so I hold on)
And once again, once again I leave it all behind
You told me we could swim (so I climbed so high)
Up to a mountain for you, I closed my eyes, and I took the dive

And I took the dive

You told me we could fly (so I hold on)
And once again, once again I leave it all behind
You told me we could swim (so I climbed so high)
Up to a mountain for you, I closed my eyes

I been so fucking blind
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteurs: Aaron Matts, Antoine Salin, Baptiste Vigier, Lucas D'angelo, Valentin Hauser, Victor Guillet

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