paroles de chanson / Blondie parole / Angels On The Balcony lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Angels On The Balcony

Interprète Blondie

Paroles de la chanson Angels On The Balcony par Blondie lyrics officiel

Angels On The Balcony est une chanson en Anglais

Afterglow in a distant row
The door is open and the lights are cold
The children come in here and they dare the ghost
Like a fire burning in a stone

Silent light in the theatre's sky
Phantom cigarette and a silent cry
The door swings open and it's cold outside
Run and hide, run and hide

They can still see him singing on the corner singing songs
That never fade away, fade into the kids that come along

Memory in a silent seat
Melody on a long retreat
Like an angel on a balcony
Like an angel on a balcony
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: BMG Rights Management

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