paroles de chanson / Blue October parole / Independently Happy lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Independently Happy

Interprète Blue October

Paroles de la chanson Independently Happy par Blue October lyrics officiel

Independently Happy est une chanson en Anglais

I feel that it's hard enough to say goodbye
I feel there's the water. Should I sink or dive?
An empty plate, fill up my sentimental morning star.
I steal the art of putting truth in a lie.
I still want the girl that really caught my eye.
But, she lives in Oklahoma City, far away from me.
An empty hope chest.
Quit the dope quest,
And remain independently happy.

I'm finally happy ... happy ... independently happy ...

I deal with that fact that I've forgotten the worst.
I feel that my social behavior may seem somewhat unrehearsed.
Another page,
A sullen rage,
And I'll be back to my normal self.

And I'm finally happy ... happy ... independently happy ...

I drive to the edge of my considerable plain.
I apologize to the people I hurt on the way.
I wipe the slate clean
I kick the daydream,
And remain independently happy.

I'm finally happy ... happy ... independently happy ...
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Copyright: BMG Rights Management

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