paroles de chanson / Bob Dylan parole / New York Girls lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de New York Girls

Interprètes Bob DylanThe Kingston Trio

Paroles de la chanson New York Girls par Bob Dylan lyrics officiel

New York Girls est une chanson en Anglais

Burl Ives

Shipmates listen unto me. I'll tell you in my song of things that happened to me when I come home from Hong Kong.

To me way, you Santy, my dear Annie. Oh, you New York girls, can't you dance the polka?

As I walked down to Chatham Street, a fair maid I did meet.
She asked me, please, to see her home. She lived on Bleecker Street
Now, if you'll only come with me, you can have a treat.
You can have a glass of brandy and something nice to eat.


Before we sat down to eat, we had sev'ral drinks.
The liquor was so awful strong, I quickly fell asleep.


When I awoke next mornin, I had an achin' head.
My gold watch and my pocketbook and the lady friend had fled.
Now dressed in the lady's apron, I wandered most forlorn
'Till Martin Churchill took me in and he sent me round Cape Horn.

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