paroles de chanson / Bob Marley parole / Sun Is Shining lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Sun Is Shining

Interprètes Bob MarleyRobin Schulz

Paroles de la chanson Sun Is Shining par Bob Marley lyrics officiel

Sun Is Shining est une chanson en Anglais

Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah
Make you want to move your dancing feet, now
When the mornin' gather the rainbows, yeah
Want you to know I'm a rainbow too

To the rescue
Here I am
Want you to know just if you can
Where I stand

Sun is shining, weather is sweet, yeah
Make you want to move your dancing feet, now
When the mornin' gather the rainbows, yeah
Want you to know I'm a rainbow too

To the rescue
Here I am
Want you to know just if you can
Where I stand

Sun is shining, weather is sweet, yeah
Make you want to move your dancing feet
When the mornin' gather the rainbows, yeah
Want you to know I'm a rainbow too

To the rescue
Here I am
Want you to know just if you can
Where I stand

Sun is shining

Sun is shining
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteur: Bob Marley
Copyright: Songtrust Ave, Universal Music Publishing Group

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