paroles de chanson / Bob Marley parole / More Axe lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de More Axe

Interprète Bob Marley

Paroles de la chanson More Axe par Bob Marley lyrics

More Axe est une chanson en Anglais

If you are the big tree
We are the small axe
Sharpened to cut you down
Ready to cut you down
Sharpened to cut you down
Ready ato cut you down

These are the words of my master
No weak heart shall prosper

And whosoever dig a pit
Shall fall in it [if I so, I so]
And who so ever dig at a pit
Shall fall in it [if I so, I so]
Where dere is no wood
I say the fire goes out
So we'll have to cut you down [you're dry wood]
Without a doubt

These are the words of my master
No weak heart shall prosper

And whosoever dig at a pit
Shall fall in it [if I so, I so]
And whosoever dig at a pit
Shall fall in it [if I so, I so]

If you are a big tree
We are the small axe
Sharpened to cut you down, well sharp
To cut you down
If you are a big tree
We are the small axe
Sharpened to cut you down, well sharp
To cut you down, chop, chop
Crédits parole :
paroles ajoutées par AmeStramGram1961

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