paroles de chanson / Bonnie Tyler parole / Baby I Just Love You lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Baby I Just Love You

Interprète Bonnie Tyler

Paroles de la chanson Baby I Just Love You par Bonnie Tyler lyrics officiel

Baby I Just Love You est une chanson en Anglais

Baby I just love you
Baby I just love you
When it comes right down
To what it's all about
I couldn't let you go
I don't know, what's right or wrong
But in my heart's where you belong
And when the feeling's right it's right
I never felt this close before
When I'm with you I need no more
When the feeling's right it's right
Baby I just love you
Baby I just love you
It doesn't matter what I say and what I do
I still come back to you
I never felt this close before
When I'm with you I need no more
When the feeling's right it's right
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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