paroles de chanson / Bonnie Tyler parole / I Loved a Man lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de I Loved a Man

Interprète Bonnie Tyler

Paroles de la chanson I Loved a Man par Bonnie Tyler lyrics

I Loved a Man est une chanson en Anglais

I loved a man who’s name was Tom
He’s strong as a bear and two yards long
I loved a man who’s name was Dick
he was big as a barrel and three feet thick
And I loved a man who’s name was Harry
Six feet tall and sweet as a cherry
But the one I love best, awake or asleep
Was Little Willie Wee, and he’s six feet deep

Oh Tom, Dick and Harry were three fine men
And I’ll never have such loving again
Little Willie Wee who took me on his knee
Little Willie Weasel was the man for me

Now men from every parish ‘round
Run after me and roll me on the ground
But whenever I love another man back
Johnny from the Hill, or Sailing Jack
I always think as they do what they please
Of Tom, Dick and Harry who are tall as trees
But most I think when I’m by their side
Of Little Willie Wee who downed and died

Oh Tom, Dick and Harry were three fine men
And I’ll never have such loving again
Little Willie Wee who took me on his knee
Little Willie Weasel was the man for me
Little Willie Weasel was the man for me

(The following is a reprise featured later)

Now when farmers boys on the first fair day
Come down from the hills to drink and be gay
Before the sun sinks, I lie there in their arms
For they’re good bad boys from the lonely farms

And I always think as we tumble into bed
Of Little Willie Wee, who’s dead, dead, dead
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