paroles de chanson / CELY parole / On Me lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de On Me

Interprète CELY

Paroles de la chanson On Me par CELY lyrics officiel

On Me est une chanson en Anglais

This ones on me
I know that you don’t got a job
You’ve been working so hard
Just to get it up

This ones on me

Cause only you can make a woman feel right
So you kiss everyone when I lay in bed at night

You’re such a dream

Cause you were just saving all our pretty trees
By driving my car, never paying me

How I could ever see it any another way

But rest your head and ease your mind
I’ll listen to you cry and cry
Bout how mama
She didn’t pay you right

So since its all on me boy
Cause I’m just an insecure toy
I’m gon let you do
What you do
You got your room boy

Baby like you said
I’m toxic selfish fake I’m mean
A hypocrite
So please stop calling me

Cause your nothing when I lay in my bed
Your nothing when I’m laying with him
Just nothing
Cause your nothing when I watch our re-runs
You say “treat me” as if y’do well with tongue
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