paroles de chanson / Carlene Carter parole / You Are The One lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de You Are The One

Interprète Carlene Carter

Paroles de la chanson You Are The One par Carlene Carter lyrics officiel

You Are The One est une chanson en Anglais

Oh you are the one
You're the one in my heart
You're my darlin'
My life's greatest thrill
You are the one in my heart
And I know that I love you
And I always will

Well I've had some sweethearts
And dear, so have you
I know that I've done things
That I shouldn't do
We've both tasted life
Both the bitter and the sweet
It helped us to know love
When we chanced to meet

Oh you are the one
You're the one in my heart
You're my darlin'
My life's greatest thrill
You are the one in my heart
And I know that I love you
And I always will

We paid for our future with tears from the past
It helped us to know when we'd
Found love at last
I didn't know what joy was
Still actin' blue
I didn't know what love was till I met you

Oh you are the one
You're the one in my heart
You're my darlin'
My life's greatest thrill
You are the one in my heart
And I know that I love you
And I always will
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteur: Leon Payne
Copyright: Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

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