paroles de chanson / Cindy Lauper parole / Swipe To The Right lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Swipe To The Right

Interprète Cindy Lauper

Paroles de la chanson Swipe To The Right par Cindy Lauper lyrics

Swipe To The Right est une chanson en Anglais

Like a glove
Hand to hand
We seep together
Like water into sand

The far away is calling
Hello, Hello
I am starring

Caught in your web
Losing my head

You seem so cold to me and yet
You rapture me and I forget
You know my appetite
With just a moment of a
Swipe to the right

Swipe to the right
Swipe to the right
Swipe to the right
Swipe to the right

Cypher love
All a glow
Light up your face
With a soft halo

The day to day
Is wearing me
I am following

Caught in your web
Losing my head

You seem so cold to me and yet
You rapture me and I forget
You know my appetite
With just a moment of a
Swipe to the right

Swipe to the right
Swipe to the right
Swipe to the right
Swipe to the right

You know my appetite
With just a moment of a
Swipe to the right.

writer(s): Jean-Michel JARRE, Cindy LAUPER, Carmen CACCIATORE
Crédits parole :
paroles ajoutées par mabuson

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