paroles de chanson / Counting Crows parole / Hospital lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Hospital

Interprète Counting Crows

Paroles de la chanson Hospital par Counting Crows lyrics officiel

Hospital est une chanson en Anglais

Hospital bound, so you know there will be treatment
Hey alright, it's too late to put up a fight
Hospital gowns, so you know you should be sleeping
Wide awake, there's some pills that you shouldn't take

Honest to God, X is always an unknown
I said alright, Y gets buried in your bones
I said honest to God, if you don't get it off your chest
You don't have to stay around, you don't have to solve for X

I'm afraid I found it's eternally unequal
Hey alright, it's too late to put up a fight
On the way back down, finally a sequel,
Hey alright, in a hospital room tonight

Is it alright, and your exit's always an unknown
It's hard to hold on too tight, 'cause I got buried with your bones
And I said honest to God, if you don't get it off your chest
All your reason gone tonight, you don't have to solve for X

Hospital bound, so you know there will be treatment
Hey alright, in a hospital room tonight
Hospital gowns, so you know you should be sleeping
Wide awake, there's some pills that I shouldn't take

And I said alright, X is always an unknown
I tried to hold on too tight but I got buried with the bone
And I said honest to God, I got to get it off my chest
I don't want to stick around, 'cause I don't need this suffering
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