paroles de chanson / DNA parole / Last September lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Last September

Interprète DNA

Paroles de la chanson Last September par DNA lyrics officiel

Last September est une chanson en Anglais

The last time That I saw you was the last week of September i watched you as you looked by me and I hate that I remember
You said you loved me just to turn around and leave me scared I don’t know what it takes to get through your confusing heart

We’ were sitting in the backseat looking at stars now you walking right past me breaking my heart I don’t what I did but I’m working on it
Just a little more time it’s yeah hard to admit
I see your face everywhere that I go
I know you hate me and It’s hard to control
I wish I could change but I probably won’t
Just another reason to leave me alone

But then I flash back to the past where you meant everything I just can’t relax cuz this pain is driving me insane yeah im trying to fix all of the problems stuck in my brain I’m waiting for the clocks to change so I wont feel the same

I was stuck in a bad place lossing my way taking every single drug yeah making mistakes
I know I hurt you by the look on your face
But I’m not gonna apologize
Cuz you said you would be there holding my hand
But you left me broken do you understand
I was wishing you were here but you folded again
Just another time you left me scared

The last time That I saw you was the last week of September i watched you as you looked by me and I hate that I remember
You said you loved me just to turn around and leave me scared I don’t know what it takes to get through your confusing heart
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