paroles de chanson / Dolores O'Riordan parole / Without You lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Without You

Interprète Dolores O'Riordan

Paroles de la chanson Without You par Dolores O'Riordan lyrics officiel

Without You est une chanson en Anglais

Nothing seems to be worth while without you
A part of my existence is not here without you

You have made your bed and you lie on it now
You have made your bed and you lie on it

I try to switch off my mind, but it's rolling
Rolling on an iceberg, moving down towards the water

You have made your bed and you lie on it now
You have made your bed and you lie on it


So far across the water you were always on my mind
Your love and understanding you were always on my mind
My mind

Maybe I just can't survive without you
Maybe I don't want to live without you

You have made your bed and you lie on it now
You have made your bed and you lie on it

So far across the water you were always on my mind
Your love and understanding you were always on my mind
My mind


Without you, without you
Without you

Without you, without you
Without you, without you
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