paroles de chanson / Don Williams parole / It Must Be Love lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de It Must Be Love

Interprète Don Williams

Paroles de la chanson It Must Be Love par Don Williams lyrics officiel

It Must Be Love est une chanson en Anglais

First, I get cold, then hot
Think I'm on fire, but I'm not
Oh, what a pain I've got, it must be love
There's nothing I can do, all that I want is you
Look what I'm going through, it must be love

It must be love, it must be love
I fall like a sparrow, fly like a dove
You must be the dream I've been dreaming of
Oh, what a feeling, it must be love

Something is wrong, alright, I think of you all night
Can't sleep 'til morning light, it must be love
Seeing you in my dreams, holding you close to me
Oh, what else can it be? It must be love

It must be love, it must be love
I fall like a sparrow, fly like a dove
You must be the dream I've been dreaming of
Oh, what a feeling, it must be love

It must be love, it must be love
I fall like a sparrow, fly like a dove
You must be the dream I've been dreaming of
Oh, what a feeling, it must be love

It must be love, it must be love
I fall like a sparrow, fly like a dove
You must be the dream I've been dreaming of
Oh, what a feeling, it must be love
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteur: Robert Lee McDill
Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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