paroles de chanson / Elvis Presley parole / It's Now Or Never lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de It's Now Or Never

Interprète Elvis Presley

Paroles de la chanson It's Now Or Never par Elvis Presley lyrics officiel

It's Now Or Never est une chanson en Anglais

It's now or never
Come hold me tight
Kiss me my darling
Be mine tonight
Tomorrow will be too late
It's now or never
My love won't wait

When I first saw you
With your smile so tender
My heart was captured
My soul surrendered
I'd spend a lifetime
Waiting for the right time
Now that you're near
The time is here at last

It's now or never
Come hold me tight
Kiss me my darling
Be mine tonight
Tomorrow will be too late
It's now or never
My love won't wait

Just like a willow
We would cry an ocean
If we lost true love
And sweet devotion
Your lips excite me
Let your arms invite me
For who knows when
We'll meet again this way

It's now or never
Come hold me tight
Kiss me my darling
Be mine tonight
Tomorrow will be too late
It's now or never
My love won't wait
It's now or never
My love won't wait
It's now or never
My love won't wait
It's now or never
My love won't wait
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteurs: Aaron H. Schroeder, Eduardo Di Capua, Emmanuele Mazzucchi, Giovanni Capurro, Wally Gold
Copyright: A. SCHROEDER INTERNATIONAL LLC, Raleigh Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group

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