paroles de chanson / Emanuel parole / Be Who You Are lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Be Who You Are

Interprète Emanuel

Paroles de la chanson Be Who You Are par Emanuel lyrics officiel

Be Who You Are est une chanson en Anglais

Be who you are
You?re a shining star
To be who you are
You?re a shining star

They just don?t really know
Some people, don?t know how it goes
But you know what you know
I?m telling you, to do what you do

Be who you are
Cause you?re a shining star
Be who you are
Cause you?re a shining star

We all we have a light, within us
It?s shining so bright, I?m telling you
Some of them know, I know
And some of them don?t know where to go, oh but, but

Be who you are
Cause you?re a shining star
To be who you are
You?re a shining star

Oh yes, Just be yourself
Don?t be nobody else
Love and live your life
And know it?ll be alright, if you

Be who you are
Cause you?re a shining star
And be who you are
You?re a shining star
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