paroles de chanson / EMPYR parole / Skin lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Skin

Interprète EMPYR

Paroles de la chanson Skin par EMPYR lyrics

Skin est une chanson en Anglais

I am your new lipstick
I’m your favorite music
The one you believe in
Tattooed under your skin
Come a little closer
I can take you higher
I know who you are so
Let me give you the love
You can buy
Cause we are so good together
We take care of each other
We fly together
Now please make it real

I’m the new magic trick made of skin and plastic
The one you believe in
Tattooed under your skin
I’m made for hunting fears
I’m made for holding strings
I know who you are
So let me give you the love
You can’t buy cause
We are so good together
We take care of each other
We fly together
Now please make it
We are so good together
We take care of each other
We fly together
Now please make it
Now please make it real
We are so good together
We take care of each other
We fly together
Now please make it
We are so good together
We take care of each other
We fly together
Now please make it real
Your skin my skin .Your lips my lips
Your skin my skin .Your lips my lips
Your skin my skin. Your lips my lips
The way I trey to reach to neck

Cause we are so good together
We take care of each other
We fly together
Now please make it, Now please make it real
Your skin my skin Your lips my lips
The way I trey to reach to neck
Crédits parole :
paroles ajoutées par kyoempyr et corrigées par AmeStramGram1961

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