paroles de chanson / Erima Vera parole / Gagara Misali (Indescribable God) lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Gagara Misali (Indescribable God)

Interprète Erima Vera

Paroles de la chanson Gagara Misali (Indescribable God) par Erima Vera lyrics officiel

Gagara Misali (Indescribable God) est une chanson en Anglais

Gagara Misali
Idan ya gagara
ba zaya gagara da kai ba

Gagara Misali
Idan ya gagara
ba zaya gagara da kai ba

Gagara Misali
Idan ya gagara
ba zaya gagara da kai ba

Oh lord there’s a lot in my mind and it bordering me
Can’t even raise up my head to pray like what has happened to me
A lot of questions that I wrote in this paper lines
I only wish that I have gotten the same paper type

Failures in my life so many fears I try to hide
Even though I try to run away they queue up in their lines
Wen am I gonna be free from all this troubles I see
Thought try put on my best I see no bird laid in my nest

I prayed I’ve even fasted, I’ve stayed demons I’ve casted
There’s nothing I’ve nvr tried yet I see my dreams in caskets
I’ve tried lord I’m still trying taught that u shld be around
Cause all this troubles I see are tearing me into pieces

Lord what am I supposed to do I’ve done all I should
If there’s anything you’ve needed I’ve given in twos
True ionno if u are listening I need to hear ur voice bcos I’m tired of all this tragedy

what am I supposed to do I’ve done all I should
If there’s anything you’ve needed I’ve given in twos
True ionno if u are listening I need to hear ur voice bcos I’m tired of all this tragedy

Gagara Misali
Idan ya gagara
ba zaya gagara da kai ba

Gagara Misali
Idan ya gagara
ba zaya gagara da kai ba

Gagara Misali
Idan ya gagara
ba zaya gagara da kai ba
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.

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