paroles de chanson / Fleet Foxes parole / Lorelai lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Lorelai

Interprète Fleet Foxes

Paroles de la chanson Lorelai par Fleet Foxes lyrics officiel

Lorelai est une chanson en Anglais

So guess I got old
I was like trash on the sidewalk
I guess I knew why
Often it's hard to just sweet talk

I was old news to you then
Old news, old news to you then

You, you were like glue
Holding each of us together
I slept through July
While you made lines in the heather

I was old news to you then
Old news, old news to you then
Fell for the ruse with you then
Old news, old news to you then

And I still see you when I try to sleep
I see the garden, the tower, the street
Call out to nobody, call out to me
Chip on the shoulder, the diamond, the teeth

Now I can see how
We were like dust on the window
Not much, not a lot
Everything's stolen or borrowed

I was old news to you then
Old news, old news to you then
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteur: Robin Noel Pecknold
Copyright: Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

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