paroles de chanson / Gary Jules parole / Another Day, Another Dollar lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Another Day, Another Dollar

Interprète Gary Jules

Paroles de la chanson Another Day, Another Dollar par Gary Jules lyrics officiel

Another Day, Another Dollar est une chanson en Anglais

Another day, another dollar
That's what I'm working for today
Another day, another dollar
Sure can't buy my blues away

I'm just trying to make a living
Working jobs that I enjoy
But it ain't easy finding something
For this lonesome-hearted boy

Another day, another dollar
That's what I'm working for today
Another day, another dollar
Sure can't buy my blues away

You know my life is like a highway
Just too many roads to take
You know I'll try to take the right one
Just gets harder every day

Another day, another dollar
That's what I'm working for today
Another day, another dollar
Sure can't buy my blues away

Another day, another dollar
That's what I'm working for today, hey
Another day, another dollar
Sure can't buy my blues away

Another day, another dollar
Sure can't buy my blues away
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