paroles de chanson / Gary Jules parole / No Poetry lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de No Poetry

Interprète Gary Jules

Paroles de la chanson No Poetry par Gary Jules lyrics officiel

No Poetry est une chanson en Anglais

"There's no poetry between us"
Said the paper to the pen
Something's burning in the attic
That her tongue will not defend

Through the arc of conversation
Past the teeth behind the smile
Down the miracle mile
To the bottom of the ladder

Paint your eyes and hide the tatters
What's the matter, baby?
Could we go downtown
To the middle of the world?

You were always such a pretty girl
And you told me I was beautiful
"There's no poetry between us"
Said the paper to the pen

"And I get nothing for my trouble
But the ink beneath my skin"
If your clothes are getting weary
And your soul's gone out of style

Blame the the Miracle Mile
And the bottom of the ladder
Paint your eyes and hide the tatters
What's the matter, baby?

I'm coming too
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