paroles de chanson / Gary Jules parole / Patchwork G lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Patchwork G

Interprète Gary Jules

Paroles de la chanson Patchwork G par Gary Jules lyrics officiel

Patchwork G est une chanson en Anglais

It's a custom made afternoon
With shrinking hands I can't keep to myself
Perfect in an easy way

And it's a customary sin
For angels in the dark
A lighter spark to brighten her skies
Finger feelings fingers feeling fine
Just might change this life of mine

And I'm up on inspiration drive
If you could see what I've seen
Patchwork woman sunshine suits you fine
Sleeping with her sandals on
In a California dream
I'm singing
"La-la-la-la-la-la think I'm up to something"

And on a custom made afternoon the candle she burns
The wheels turn and four eyes look away
Wood is getting tangled up in steam
Blue and hazel mix to green

And I'm up on inspiration drive
If you could see what I've seen
Patchwork woman sunshine suits you fine
Perfect in an easy way
The world behind the worlds
I'm singing

And I'm up on inspiration drive
If you could see what I've seen
Patchwork woman sunshine suits you fine
Sleeping with her sandals on
In a California dream
I'm singing
"La-la-la-la-la-la think I'm up to something"
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