paroles de chanson / Gary Jules parole / Something Else lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Something Else

Interprète Gary Jules

Paroles de la chanson Something Else par Gary Jules lyrics officiel

Something Else est une chanson en Anglais

They never tell you
Truth is subjective
They only tell you not to lie
They never tell you
There's strength in
They only tell you not to cry

But I've been living underground
Sleeping on the way
And finding something else to say
Is like walking on the freeway

They never tell you
You don't need to be afraid
They only tell you to deny
So is it true that only good girls
Go to heaven?
They only sell you what you buy

And I've been living underground
Sleeping on the way
And finding something else to say
Is like walking on the freeway

I've been living underground
Trying not to burn
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