paroles de chanson / Indubious parole / Calling Reprise lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Calling Reprise

Interprète Indubious

Paroles de la chanson Calling Reprise par Indubious lyrics officiel

Calling Reprise est une chanson en Anglais

A Calling, Calling, Calling

Call from the holy ones
Call from the earth
Call from the higher self
Know what were worth
Fulfilling calling from birth

Ancestors, Spirits and Guides
Are gathered now at my side
Important role in these times
We are the bridge from both sides

From the beyond we are called
Find the calling of our soul
We can see that miracle
Now's the time so powerful

A Calling, Calling, Calling

Relinquish control up unto the master builder
Your heart is a better boss than a disaster filter
The lotus of your focus ignites soul's ancient tinder
Nature it is simple, and complex the minds bewilder

A Calling, Calling, Calling

Those unexposed to the gold and the silver
Of wisdom and purpose, get burned down to cinder
The flowing of seasons, the rains and the winter
Give rise on to spring, the flowers, bees, and the timber
If you ask me my purpose, well, really it's simple
Be the world's smallest stone, leave the world's biggest ripple
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