paroles de chanson / John Lennon parole / What You Got lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de What You Got

Interprète John Lennon

Paroles de la chanson What You Got par John Lennon lyrics officiel

What You Got est une chanson en Anglais

Hey, hey

Don't wanna be a drag
Everybody gotta pay
I know you know
'Bout the emperor's clothes

You don't know what you got, until you lose it
You don't know what you got, until you lose it
You don't know what you got, until you lose it
Oh baby, baby, baby, give me one more chance


Well, it's Saturday night and I just gotta rip it up
Sunday morning, I just gotta give it up, hey
Come Monday, mama, and I just gotta run away
You know it's such a drag to face another day

You don't know what you got, until you lose it
You don't know what you got, until you lose it
You don't know what you got, until you lose it
Oh baby, baby, baby give me one more chance

Hey, hey

You know the more it change
The more it stays the same
You gotta hang on in,
You gotta cut the string

You don't know what you got, until you lose it
You don't know what you got, until you lose it
You don't know, you don't know what you got, until you lose it
Oh baby, baby, baby give me one more chance

Come on, baby
Hey, hey

Hey, hey
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteur: John Lennon
Copyright: Downtown Music Publishing

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