paroles de chanson / Johnny Drille parole / Bad Dancer lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Bad Dancer

Interprète Johnny Drille

Paroles de la chanson Bad Dancer par Johnny Drille lyrics officiel

Bad Dancer est une chanson en Anglais

What a beautiful day
Whenever I see your face
Throw my worries away
As I hold you in my arms

How happy you make me feel babe
You fit perfectly with me baby
You have my heart you keep it safe

I'm a bad dancer but I'd
love to take you slow dancing
Into the starry night
And I'll hold you so tightly and whisper into your ear
That you're beautiful and heavenly

Baby you are my song
Hope the music never stops
Cos I'm deep in love

I've been a better man
Since I got you girl in my life
You're so much more than I asked God for
How did I get you girl in my life
How happy you make me feel babe
You fit perfectly with me baby
You have my heart you keep it safe

I'm a bad dancer but I'd
love to take you slow dancing
Into the starry night
And I'll hold you so tightly and whisper into your ear
That you're beautiful and heavenly
Baby, you are my song
Hope the music never stops

Girl I'm begging you would you (Love me now)
Tomorrow too far away (Love me now)
Girl don't wait no longer just (Love me now)
Baby love me now
Baby love me

My baby love me now
We don't have eternity (Love me now)
Please be my iyawo mi yeah (Love me now)
Okwima echi dianya (Love me now)
Baby (Love me now)

I'm a bad dancer but I'd
love to take you slow dancing
Into the starry night
And I'll hold you so tightly and whisper into your ear
That you're beautiful and heavenly
Baby you are my song
Hope the music never stops

I've been a better man
Since I got you girl in my life
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