paroles de chanson / Johnny Drille parole / SWEET AS A MOTHERS LOVE lyrics  | ENin English


Interprète Johnny Drille

Paroles de la chanson SWEET AS A MOTHERS LOVE par Johnny Drille lyrics officiel

SWEET AS A MOTHERS LOVE est une chanson en Anglais

Sometimes you get lucky
Sometimes your stars collide hmm
Put me back on the right track babe
Just in time
I never knew a love like this no no
Could ever exist no
That's when you know

Yeah yeah yeah yeah mmm
Sweet sweet
Sweet as a mother's love
Sweet sweet
Sweet as a mother's love

You know it's not easy
You know it's hard to find
Gave me the heart to make a new start
Just in time mmm yeah
I never knew a love like this no no
Could ever exist yeah
That's when you know

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah mmm
Sweet sweet
Sweet as a mother's love
Sweet sweet
Sweet as a mother's love

Sweeter than sugar
Sweeter than honey
Sweeter than all of the things you can buy with money oh
She gives her all and ask for nothing in return
That's when you know
That's when you know

Yeah mmm
Sweet sweet
Sweet as a mother's love
So sweet so sweet
Sweet sweet (So sweet)
Sweet as a mother's love (Sweet as a mother's love)
Sweet as a mother's love
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