paroles de chanson / Jorge Rivera-Herrans parole / Dangerous lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Dangerous

Interprète Jorge Rivera-Herrans

Paroles de la chanson Dangerous par Jorge Rivera-Herrans lyrics officiel

Dangerous est une chanson en Anglais


Ahahahahaha, hello old friend

So you're the one who talked to Calypso?
Why are you here?

You're being given a final option
Consider this your one last chance
To make it back home and abandon caution
Wash it away like the blood
Your hands have known
I know if you dance with fate
Then I know, I know you'll enhance your state

If your plan's so great then why'd
You wait to say it?

Well it's a little bit dangerous, my friend
You'll need a mindset change for this
You cannot get away with
Playing safe for this you wanna get home?
Put it all on the line
And put your wholе brain in it
Remember еvery trick in your domain for this
You gotta treat it like it is the main event
You wanna get home? Put it all on the line
Be dangerous

Alright, I'm in, what do I do?

First stop, uncharted waters
When lost, look towards the sky
Follow the north star, no matter how far
You think you're going, you keep on rowing
When strangers look around the isle
When danger greets you with a smile
Fight your way through, do what you must do
But no matter what, keep moving
It's gonna be dangerous, my friend
You'll need a mindset change for this
You cannot get away with
Playing safe for this you wanna get home?
Put it all on the line
And put your whole brain in it
Remember every trick in your domain for this
You gotta treat it like it is the main event
You wanna get home? Put it all on the line
Be dangerous
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