paroles de chanson / Jorge Rivera-Herrans parole / Done For lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Done For

Interprète Jorge Rivera-Herrans

Paroles de la chanson Done For par Jorge Rivera-Herrans lyrics officiel

Done For est une chanson en Anglais

Lady of the palace, sorry that I ask this
But I hope that I've been misinformed
I sent out some scouts to
Take a look around through here
And they wound up at your door
Through the years we seldom
Get a warm welcome, so
I must ask just to be sure
Did you do something to them?

Who, me?
All I did was reveal their true forms

You turned them into pigs


I don't know who you are nor why you're here
But let me make this one thing clear
I've got people to protect
Nymphs I can't neglect
So I'm not taking chances, dear

If you make one wrong move
Then you're done for
Anything I don't approve
Then you're done for
I can put a spell on you and you're done for
Boy, you better run or soon you will done for

I don't mean to tip your scale but
You will fail at placing any spells on me
I just ate a flower
One that claims your power
So you better cower now and flee

You must be a liar, mortals can't acquire
Moly without dire consequence

Then I must be a god like you
'Cause I picked this root from the
Ground with my bare hands

Hermes gave it to you, didn't he?

Okay, fine, yes, but regardless

You and I are now evenly matched
Our fates are intertwined, they're attached

I've got people to protect
Friends I can't neglect
So now there is no turning back
You've made your one wrong move
Now you're done for
I will be the one to
Prove that you're done for
Not even a spell saves you
'Cause you're done for
Oh, you better run or soon
You will be done for

You've lost

My nymphs are like my daughters
I protect them at all costs
The last time we let strangers live
We faced a heavy loss
You've given me no reason to
Bestow you with my trust
But everyone's true colours are
Revealed in acts of lust

I'm not sure I follow
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteur: Jorge Rivera-Herrans
Copyright: Distrokid

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