paroles de chanson / Jorge Rivera-Herrans parole / Storm lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Storm

Interprète Jorge Rivera-Herrans

Paroles de la chanson Storm par Jorge Rivera-Herrans lyrics officiel

Storm est une chanson en Anglais

These waves and tides
Have grown in strength and size
Is it nature or divine?
Or a blessing in disguise?
Our home's in sight
This storm's our final fight
There's no time to die


Brace for a storm
The likes of which we've never seen before
Brace for a storm
With home so close, we must keep pushing forward
Full speed ahead

Head towards the island but avoid the crashing waves
Tread where the tide is flat and then you will be safe

Captain, we will capsize with these waves, our fleet will fail

Have them follow my ship, I'll ensure that we prevail


We're taking too much damage to survive

We'll beat this storm

At this rate, we won't make it out alive

Captain, look!

An island in the sky

Eurylochus, grab the harpoons
As many as you can find

What do you have in mind?

We're gonna shoot for the sky


Storm, storm
Everyone grab a harpoon and aim it high
Storm, storm
We're shooting for the island in the sky
In the sky
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteur: Jorge Rivera-Herrans
Copyright: Distrokid

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