paroles de chanson / Jorge Rivera-Herrans parole / There Are Other Ways lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de There Are Other Ways

Interprète Jorge Rivera-Herrans

Paroles de la chanson There Are Other Ways par Jorge Rivera-Herrans lyrics officiel

There Are Other Ways est une chanson en Anglais

There are other ways of persuasion
There are other modes of control
There are other means of deceit
There are other roads to the soul
There are other actions of passion
You have so much left to learn
Want to save your men from the fire?
Show me that you're willing to burn, woah

Who's to say, with the mistakes I've made
Don't be afraid
That they will be thе last Think of your past
Mistakes I ever makе? Don't break when

There is so much power, so much power
But there's no puppet here, here

This is the price we pay to love
I'm just a man
There is no line never enough, I'm just a man
So much power, so much power, forgive me
But there's no puppet here
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