paroles de chanson / Jorge Rivera-Herrans parole / Thunder Bringer lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Thunder Bringer

Interprète Jorge Rivera-Herrans

Paroles de la chanson Thunder Bringer par Jorge Rivera-Herrans lyrics officiel

Thunder Bringer est une chanson en Anglais

Pride is a damsel in distress
Hiding away where only I can undress her
Try all she can not to confess in the end
It's all the same once I
Apply all the pressure

Thunder, bring her through the wringer
Show her I'm the judgment call
The one who makes her kingdom fall
Lightning, wield her, use and yield her
Show her what she can't conceal
For true nature will be revealed
Tell me, Odysseus
If I were to make you choose
The lives of your men and crew or your own
Why do I think they'd lose?
Enlighten me, King of Ithica
Since hunger was far too great
I wonder who'd take the weight of the damned
And suffer a gruesome fate to the

Thunder Bringer, here to ring your
Ears until your deaf with fear and
Spear you while your death is near
Lighting wielder, here to yield your
Time for you have passed your prime
Sublime you for your act of crime
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