paroles de chanson / Jorge Rivera-Herrans parole / Your Light lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Your Light

Interprète Jorge Rivera-Herrans

Paroles de la chanson Your Light par Jorge Rivera-Herrans lyrics officiel

Your Light est une chanson en Anglais

Oh, I know the world’s not always pretty
And there days that seem to
Last for way too long
Oh, I know the world can get real lonely
And there are times you feel
Too hopeless to go on

But hey there bro, don’t you know
Look deep inside and there you go
Hanging in your heart I’m always there
And hey there bro, can’t you see
No matter what, you still have me
So when you need a friend
Or when you’re scared
Just let me be your light
Let me the stars you see at night
Let me be the arms that hold you tight
When life gets hard or when
Your lost in the dark let me be your light
Let me be your light let me be your light

Aw come on!
Why are you so serious all the time?
"Hey, look at me, I’m the captain alright
Listen up"


That’s what you sound like!

I don’t sound like that


Do you remember when we would run through
The forest looking for the largest threat?
Well you would run and I would follow

Oh, I remember the thrill and the fun

Until the day we found that giant boars’ den

Oh that was terrifying

We were rather young and I was oh so scared
I saw him lunge and I stared

You tried to move but
Your muscles wouldn’t give

But then you jumped right in his way
You forced the boar down and saved the day

I only took the blow so you could live

Woah and hey there friend
Don’t forget that even when the sun has set
Hanging in your heart, I’m always there
And hey there friend
Can’t you see no matter what, it’s you and me
So when you need a hand or when you’re scared

Let me be your light
Let me be the stars you see at night
Let me be the arms that hold you tight
When life gets hard or when
You’re lost in the dark

Let me be your light Light
Let me be your light let me be your light
Let me be your light let me be your light
Let me be your light light

Let me be your light
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