paroles de chanson / Josue Avila parole / Abba / Here I Am to Worship lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Abba / Here I Am to Worship

Interprète Josue Avila

Paroles de la chanson Abba / Here I Am to Worship par Josue Avila lyrics officiel

Abba / Here I Am to Worship est une chanson en Anglais

You're more real than the ground I'm standing on
You're more real than the wind in my lungs
Your thoughts define me
You're inside me
You're my reality

Abba, I belong to you
Abba, I belong to you

You're closer than the skin on my bones
You're closer than the song on my tongue
Your thoughts define me
You're inside me
You're my reality

Abba, I belong to you
Abba, I belong to you
Abba, I belong to you

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that you're my God

You're all together lovely
All together worthy
All together wonderful to me

I'll never know how much it costs
to see my sin up on that cross
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