paroles de chanson / Josue Avila parole / African Praise lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de African Praise

Interprète Josue Avila

Paroles de la chanson African Praise par Josue Avila lyrics officiel

African Praise est une chanson en Anglais

//Eh eh eh eh
My God is good oh
Eh eh eh eh
My God is good oh//

In the morning when I wake up
And I will sing my praise unto You, my Lord
And I will shout and dance to You
For You have been my help from now till ever

//Eh eh eh eh
My God is good oh
Eh eh eh eh
My God is good oh//

In the morning when I wake up
I will sing my praise unto You, my Lord
I will shout and dance to You
For You have been my help another level

//Eh eh eh eh
My God is good oh
Eh eh eh eh
My God is good oh//

//Everything now double double oh
Na double double
Anointing double double oh
Na double double
All power double double oh
Na double double
All wisdom double double oh
Na double double//

//Eh eh eh eh
My God is good oh
Eh eh eh eh
My God is good oh//

Lu wey Lu wey Lu wey
Lu wey Jesu Lu wey

Tere muka, Tere muka
Tere muka, Tere muka

//You are good and your mercy is forever
You are good and your mercy is forever

You are the most high
You are the most high God////

////Jehovah eh
Jehovah ah
Jehovah eh
Jehovah ah////

////Who has the final say, you say
Jehovah has the final say////

Jehovah turned my life around
He has turned my life around
He makes a way where is no way
Jehovah has the final say
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