paroles de chanson / Justin Nozuka parole / Be Back Soon lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Be Back Soon

Interprète Justin Nozuka

Paroles de la chanson Be Back Soon par Justin Nozuka lyrics officiel

Be Back Soon est une chanson en Anglais

I'm tired of getting postcards and
Tired of paying long distance bills (baby be back soon)
I'm tired of dreaming of sex and
Tired of not being able to show my skills (baby be back soon)

Over and over I hear you in the halls
Over and over I wake up with my pillows in my arms
Oh baby when you coming home
A day without you is a day without the sun

I've been missing out on your love and your shadows
And I can't wait much longer babe, without you near I'm going crazy
Be back, be back, be back soon

I'm tired of walking alone and
Tired of seeing happy couples walking by (baby be back soon)
I'm tired of making reservations at our favorite restaurant
for just momma and me (baby be back soon)

Over and over I hear you in my head
Over and over I wake up with you not in my bed
Oh baby when you coming home
A day without you is a day without the sun


It's killing me, killing me
How I can't get no love without our combination
Killing me, killing me how I get so choked up with every conversation
Killing me, killing me how I'm left in the rain, while you are on vacation
Baby please let me know when you're coming home
And I will meet you at the airport station [x3]
Baby when you coming back

Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

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