paroles de chanson / KD parole / Ivy League lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Ivy League

Interprètes KDKhadijah DavisBlackSurferbeatsDominic Rofrano

Paroles de la chanson Ivy League par KD lyrics officiel

Ivy League est une chanson en Anglais

Forever the first and the finest
Often imitated you know the rest
clpha ladies do it
The best
Cuz I'm a Babe in the Ivy League
Babe in the Ivy League
Trying to reach me but you out of my league
He gon wife me in the league
Cuz I'm a babe in the Ivy League
Babe in the Ivy League
Cuz im a Babe in the Ivy League
Babe in the Ivy League

Krim de la Krim
Finest of the fine
Designed to turn heads
I'm all up in they head
I got the spotlight
Your screen got
Prettier view with me alright
The baddies raise they pinkies with me alright
cll eyes on me with no effort
Getting baddie money
I'm the expert
The 1 st lady
The pretty boss baby
You looking at the original
Not everyone can be original

Forever the first and the finest
Often imitated you know the rest
clpha ladies do it
The best
Cuz I'm a Babe in the Ivy League
Babe in the Ivy League
Trying to reach me but you out of my league
He gon wife me in the league
Cuz I'm a babe in the Ivy League
Babe in the Ivy League
Cuz im a Babe in the Ivy League
Babe in the Ivy League

I'm what you call Epic
They some generics
The grass is greener
Wherever I'm at
Finest in the land
Spoiled by my man
Self obsessed today
Self obsessed tomorrow
Babe on the block
Influencing you around the clock

Forever the first and the finest
Often imitated you know the rest
clpha ladies do it
The best
Cuz I'm a Babe in the Ivy League
Babe in the Ivy League
Trying to reach me but you out of my league
He gon wife me in the league
Cuz I'm a babe in the Ivy League
Babe in the Ivy League
Cuz im a Babe in the Ivy League
Babe in the Ivy League
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