paroles de chanson / KD parole / On My Heels lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de On My Heels

Interprètes KDKhadijah Davis

Paroles de la chanson On My Heels par KD lyrics officiel

On My Heels est une chanson en Anglais

MMMHMMM ohhh ohh yeah ohhh

He's on my heels, can't get enough, He on my heels can't get enough
Step over my ex keep it moving Step Step Step Step OH OH

You hit my line back to back
Hold on wait ill hit you back
That thang poking
When I move its Golden
No Princess treatment I aint going
clways on the move
Im busy, respect my Time or move

He's on my heels, can't get enough, He's on my heels can't get enough
Step over my ex keep it moving Step Step Step Step

See I love throwing fits
I got shoes that scream I'm it
That heel with a arch oh so sexy
Yeah I love you
But I'm not desperate
You got in my section
But here's the exit
You got love then I got love
Ohhh its simple
Give me what I want if you want my love

He's on my heels, can't get enough, He's on my heels can't get enough
Step over my ex keep it moving Step Step Step Step
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