paroles de chanson / K's Choice parole / We Are The Universe lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de We Are The Universe

Interprète K's Choice

Paroles de la chanson We Are The Universe par K's Choice lyrics

We Are The Universe est une chanson en Anglais

We are the universe
We are the dust that disappears into the cracks
We are invincible
We wear our privilege as our biggest asset yet

We are the universe
We float indifferently but louder than the rest
We sleep with one eye open
15 short minutes may be all we ever get

Look what we’ve done
Staring at a big bright yellow sun
Look how we run
Only to go back, we are no one

We are the universe
The sun will rise above our giant hollow heads
We hold our options open
We stay in sight to keep our worth and egos fed

Look what we’ve done
Staring at a big bright yellow sun
Look how we run
Only to go back, we are no one
Crédits parole :
paroles ajoutées par PlyrChloe508

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