paroles de chanson / Lea Salonga parole / Alphabet Song lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Alphabet Song

Interprète Lea Salonga

Paroles de la chanson Alphabet Song par Lea Salonga lyrics officiel

Alphabet Song est une chanson en Anglais

(b. kaye/s. lippman/f. wise)

'a' - you're adorable
'be' - you're so beautiful
'see' - you're so cute and full of charm
'd' - you're a darling
'e' - you're exciting
'f' - you're a feather in my arms
'g' - you're so good to me
'h' - you're so heavenly
'I' - you're the 'I' that idolize
'j' - we're like jack and jill
'k' - you're so kissable
'l' - you're the lovelife in my eye
'm','n','o','p' I could go on all day
'q','are','s','t' alphabetically speaking, you're okay
'you' - make my life complete
'v' - makes you very sweet

It's fun to wander through the alphabet with you
To tell you what it means to me

(repeat all)
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